By gamergirlfriend - 20/10/2009 05:26 - United States

Today, I was texting my boyfriend. I noticed that he had added a signature onto his texts that had the date 11/10/09. At first, I blushed and thought it was the date we had become a couple. But then I realized it was just the day the new Call of Duty game comes out. Love you too. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 109
You deserved it 34 272

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sorry to be the bearer of bad news but Modern Warfare 2 > You.

Oh suck it up. Btw, you fail. You didn't realize that wasn't your anniversary.


boatkicker 4

Okay, so here's the deal. Two people care about your anniversary. You and him. Thousands of people care about when Modern Warfare 2 comes out. If his signature had been your anniversary, people would have been like "wtf i dont care" but with the game they're like "hell yeah!" If he (or anyone) wants to broadcast something, he might as well broadcast something other people will care about. :)

jazzmancarron 11

YDI, you get mad at him for knowing the release date of a video game, but i bet you know the release date of every chick flick known to man. give the guy a break, and get over it.

boatkicker 4

She also knew it was the date of the video game. It's not that he knew it, it's that he thought it was more important. She's over reacting anyways, and still deserves it, but at least get it right next time.

abrasive_punk 0

Not an FML. You suck for not knowing when your anniversary is, or for knowing that your boyfriend is going to freak the **** out when Modern Warfare 2 comes out.

Correction: that's the date when people will bend over and calmly accept the way Activision is trying to shaft the gaming industry with their corrupt business practices.

TooMuchXbox 0

To OP, yea, CoD wins, sorry. My GF knows this and understands, she's going to her friend's house. to number 100, you wouldn't care if you played console :P

YDI twofold: 1) for not realizing the date was in the future. 2) for whining because your boyfriend acted in a manner that was not you-centric. And for good measure lets summarize by combining said reasons. YDI for being so self-centered that you see a date in some form of association with you boyfriend and youre pre-conceived notions that it must be about you are so strong that you overlook that the date hasn't occured yet. I'm hoping you aren't actually mad about this and it was intended to be a comedic FML, the "oo I got burned" type, not the woe-is-me type.

Are you sucking serious? Go kill yourself you dumb bitch. it's obviously not November, and how does this qualify for FML?!

CoolChik 5

I think the way you said this FML, you weren't all bitchy and mad, just more of a *roll your eyes* sort of deal. Which makes most of the people on here bitching at your for acting "self-centered" idiots. Also, I think you just glanced at the date and that was your immediate thought, which isn't unheard of because you see that ALL THE TIME on Myspace, text signatures, Facebook, blah, blah, blah. If you see a date by someone's name, and you know they are in a relationship, you know what the date is for. So I don't think you were being stupid because the date hadn't happened yet. It wouldn't be crazy for him to know it and have it on there. My boyfriend knows how long we've been together by the day, which I think is kinda sweet and funny, so it wouldn't be clingy if your boyfriend had that either. Anyway, overall, I see you having the attitude here where you saw something that may have been, realized you were wrong, and kinda have a laugh about it accompanied with a roll of your eyes or something. I don't think you are acting self-centered or bitchy at all. And contrary to popular belief on here (who mostly seem to have nothing going on in their life by video games, just goes to show how lame they are), I'm sure your boyfriend thinks you are more important than some dumb video game, he is just excited for it's release. FYL

MW2 FTW! how it this a bad thing fou you?

deaditegirl 0

YDI for expecting your boyfriend's every thought to revolve around you. Also, for dating someone who uses text message signatures.