By TuralSucks - 11/03/2009 01:10 - United States

Today, I was the only one in an elevator when an attractive girl came in, talking on her phone. She told her friend, "I have to go, there's a cute guy on this elevator." Before I could even react, she turned to me and said, "Sorry for lying, I really wanted to get off the phone with her." FML
I agree, your life sucks 271 415
You deserved it 17 951

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would have released a huge sigh of relief, maybe adding a 'thanks goodness', just to make her paranoid.

zidane312 0

man, he didnt have to go that far.... could have least been nice


My guess is she doesn't consider you ugly, but she was only saying you don't interest her. In time interval of 2 seconds, you can't really pick diplomatic wording.

if she was trying to hit on you, I think she would of stopped after telling her friend there was a cute guy in the elevator including the "sorry just kidding" wouldn't have been a continuation of her game

Well if she's awkward, implying he's cute would lay it on too thick. I double bluff all the time about stuff like this, loads of girls do... she probably did like him, as like other's have said that's the first thing that sprung to mind. So frustrating because you found her attractive too, op! That could've been a nice hookup. If only either of you were confident enough.

yeahreally 6

ouch! she didnt have to elaborate.

wrestler_fml 0

You should have laughed and been like "..yeaaahh. with friends that boring, like you'd have a chance!" Then when she got all offended, you could have been like "but its ok babe, its obvious you meant that and just didn't know how else to properly start a conversation with me..." Then just smirk and look her in the eyes and be like "... but for the future, you don't need a clever scheme to pick up a hot guy. just start talking to him. we have dicks, you know." then slowly smile and laugh and go out the elevator door when it opens, and leave her a mix between outrage, confusion, and desire. hahaha

lollipops321 0

#26: do you usually have elaborate conversations in your head that always go your way?

She was probably trying to flirt, but she sucks at it. Horribly. She's probably not worth the time either way. If she sucks at flirting that much, then she isn't worth it. If she actually meant it, then she's a bitch and isn't worth it. Either way you're better off. Don't trip chocolate chip.