By never thought I'd say that - 22/08/2013 19:05 - Norway - Stavanger

Today, I was the victim of a drive-by pissing by some drunken loon on a segway. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 722
You deserved it 2 841

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If the guy's on a Segway you could easily run after him and give him a pee-filled taste of his own medicine


Heaven121313 9

R Kelly could probably do the same.

If the guy's on a Segway you could easily run after him and give him a pee-filled taste of his own medicine

I wonder if that's considered DUI???

Actually it would we had a drunk guy riding his horse through my town in Oklahoma cops saw him called his wife. She picked up the horse and the guy went to jail for dui

CallMeMcFeelii 13

A horse and a Segway are two completely different things. Amish people around here can get a DUI while operating their horse and buggy, but they use the road. A Segway you can use on a sidewalk, and it doesn't require you to "drive" it on a road. So I really don't think you could, maybe a drunk in public, but not a DUI. They don't go past 5 mph anyway.

My brother got a dui riding a starboard... I think if it is classed as a type of personal transportation the cops can arrest/fine you for a dui. can get a DUI on a lawn mower, so it wouldn't surprise me if you could get one on a Segway. Guess it depends on the cop. Either way it's a piss poor situation OP, I don't know about you but I'd be pretty pissy about

DFresh503 8

Definitely. Anything that is motorized or can be pedaled is grounds for DUI. Even a scooter for an immobile person would get you one

Doesn't matter, segways are illegal in Norway anyways. So the guy posting is either a troll or travelling (noone owns them in Norway either)

indianswagg 14

Just a comment passing through

Wow. That's sucks. You must have been so pissed.

martin8337 35

Better to be pissed off than pissed on.

You're one of those special kind of people that sit and wonder why the people in your life call you "special", aren't you?

Trix_Disorder 20

Why are they "special" for not knowing about a nearly useless and irrelevant piece of technology? I am surprised that they do not know of them, but not enough to be offended... as you three seem to be (albeit, mildly).

olpally 32

Neil Goldman(family guy nerd) passed by you? Lol. Yikes. Time for a shower.

Looks like you were a victim of a piss and run.. Anybody? No? Okay.