By Pwnedofthedead - 03/10/2009 15:34 - Canada

Today, I was walking to my friends Halloween themed birthday party in my zombie costume. Apparently, my crazy coke addicted neighbor found the costume too realistic. He tackled me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 462
You deserved it 38


Who the hell has a Halloween themed bithday party 28 days before Halloween, you deserve it for having retarded friends and neighbours.

Akuser 0

This probably happened last year, and the OP probably just learned about this site. And if you think every FML happens on the day it shows up, then you're an idiot.

cheergurlxx2 0

hey my birthday is december 21...aka the day the world's gonna end xD

haha nice, but is it gonna be like your 16 birthday in 12? cause if it is that sucks

Goob_the_dude 0

I think its great coke addicts tackling guys dressed like zombies

why would he tackle a zombie? i would have shot you!

xanth 0

I know this is against the rules but this is completely fake. 1 its almost a month before halloween. 2 I've known a couple of coke addicts and while they might be a bit messed up in the head, same as a say a hardcore alcoholic it doesn't make you demented, maybe if it was lsd or something. 3 If he really thought you were a zombie, why would he tackle you? That's a quick way to get bit.

coke addicts have done much crazier things than tackle people lol

kozom 0

Yeah, if it were me i would've thrown something at least. But i can understand having a Halloween party though as long as its in October, especially if the person will miss Halloween for some reason. And as for the cocaine addict, maybe he mixes it up with some other stuff? All in all, I laughed.

#16, we may be 28 days away from halloween, but it doesn't mean people can't have halloween (themed) parties. and... coke addicts aren't in their right minds, especially if it's an older person. seeing someone dressed as a zombie can be frightening and it's very possible that all of this happened.

It could be submitted before. Also, I know when I first got on this site I wanted to post stories from up to a year ago.

if he tackled you hard enough and you hit your face on the ground you could walk into the party with actual blood, you should thank him for making your costume look that much more legit, you have to really play the role, no half assing it unless your a bi*ch, and im assuming your not because you did dress up like a zombie, i mean come on thats awesome

Good thing he didn't have a gun. Zombieland anyone?

Show him the blood where you scraped yourself on the pavement. That'll disillusion him. :]

AntiChrist7 0

themed birthdays-party's? Are you 11? Besides, Halloween is 4 weeks away

Brooklynxman 0

Really? He tackled you. Someone with the capability to (correctly) assume zombies are real (even just when high) didnt even do the basic level of research necessary to tell him that...oh I dont know....getting in bite radius is a BAD ******* IDEA!? He just doesn't like you and wanted an excuse.