By Chris - 12/08/2010 01:55 - United States

Today, I was watching TV when a Toy Story 3 commercial came on. My Mom said, "Oh, I remember when I took you to see Toy Story. Now Andy's all grown up and so are you. The only difference is Andy is going to college and you're not." FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 202
You deserved it 46 089

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Quest_ 13

It's not your fault that your ma masturbates to the idea of having a kid that goes to college. You are you! Sometimes I wish I wasn't going to uni and had opted to learn a nice trade instead. Or married a very old hotel tycoon.


If you're totally fine with your life as it is, I don't think her comment would have gotten to you. If it really bothered you that much, then you should go to college! It's never too late, and financial aid, scholarships, and loans are really easy to come by.

briross10 0

thanks for ruining the movie for me!!!

schoolgirl_1310 0

lmfao xD wahh! thts an ouch. :l

emilyk123 0

31 college should be 4 everyone. if u dont go 2 some type of it, then u r a loser

In today's society where everyone gets a degree, it's pretty worthless IMO. Unless you're going into medschool or something. I actually find a trade occupation is much more useful in this day and age. I'm taking sciences in university right now however so far, I think it's far easier to continue being a piano teacher... >

agreed that trades are probably the quickest and easiest way to get independent and start earning but theres more to life than money. College gives you life experience, I took a year abroad, made a shitload of friends from all over the place and learned how to cook/clean for myself without the added pressure of having to work to survive. If I could I would do it all again and wouldn't change a thing

emilyk123 0

& op its ok im sure u will go someday. dont worry bout your mom unless your the 1 who wont go

idkxbored 0

154- that's pretty offensive to some people lol.

YDI for watching TV. YDI for growing up. YDI for having a brother. YDI for having a mom.

Brother? Andy is the child character who owns the toys. Watch out— you may be dating yourself here, buddy. ;)

If I date myself and then **********, is that self-fornication?! Does it depend on how I paid for the date? Yeah, I saw the first Toy Story when it was new, but never got around to the sequels. :(

haha you should have told her...yeah I know I'm still free loading off of u