By Chris - 12/08/2010 01:55 - United States

Today, I was watching TV when a Toy Story 3 commercial came on. My Mom said, "Oh, I remember when I took you to see Toy Story. Now Andy's all grown up and so are you. The only difference is Andy is going to college and you're not." FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 202
You deserved it 46 089

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Quest_ 13

It's not your fault that your ma masturbates to the idea of having a kid that goes to college. You are you! Sometimes I wish I wasn't going to uni and had opted to learn a nice trade instead. Or married a very old hotel tycoon.


lovestrong 0

Uhm, now a days, there are many colleges that have really good financial aid and what not, so not affording should not be an excuse anymore. YDI for not going to college :)

I would say, because of that last part, that you are trolling, but I feel that you think your argument is too good, so it sounds like maybe not. Either way, I want to tell you that not everybody qualifies for 'financial aid and what not', so not having enough money for college still is a reason not to be able go. College is expensive.

and... ydi for not going to college end of story

So many people are saying YDI because OP isn't going to college, but what if the FML is about OP's parents mocking him because he's unable to afford college? If this is another "I didn't get into college, FML" FML, then I suppose it's possible that he deserves it, but don't be so quick to jump to conclusions, people!

YDI for jumping to the conclusion that we're jumping to conclusions. YDI for sticking up for an OP. Ever.

Beats me. If I were forced to guess, it's b/c they might actually have senses of humor...

lidemocr 0

Now, now...if we didn't have people who choose not to go to college who would flip our tasty hamburgers or pump our gas? ;) Also, I am sick to death of people blaming the economy for this one. All the more reason why you should get a Pell grant (read:Free) and work your ass off so a recession doesn't change your lifestyle all that much.

MisterTwo 0

that's just mean, college isn't for everyone and if you decided on a different life/ career path then she shouldn't give you a hard time for it

college is an option. people with it get paid better. in this economy people with it get jobs. people without don't. at least go to community college! YDI YDI YDI

#185 Not necessarily true. People with bachelor's degrees (even people with MASTERS degrees) are having trouble finding jobs these days as well. Going to college doesn't guarantee you a job.

Babushka_Homyak 10

Dude I have a degree, and I've spent 4 months looking for a job. All want previous experience, not a degree.

#186 Apparently you should have stayed in school, too.

ydi for not going to college, go to ******* school op!!!!


thats messed up you should have been like, i wish Andys mom was my mom! shes nice to him & supports him!!