By apparentlyugly - 26/04/2009 16:49 - United States

Today, I went to a concert. They had this feature where you could send a picture of something from your cell phone and they'd put it on the big screens, so I sent a picture of myself in. When the picture came up on the screens, the entire crowd of about 4,000 people went, "Ewwww!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 490
You deserved it 112

Top comments

randomsloth 0

hbahahah omfg thats priceless

mrlucky4444 0

Camera Phone: $130 Concert Tickets: $250 New Outfit: $100 Having your picture booed at by an entire crowd: PRICELESS


cyxx 0

16 you are absolutely ridiculous. OP ... hahaha I feel bad for you but I still laughed at this.

What the hell? Why are so many of you sympathetic? If she's fat/ugly and submitted a pic of herself to be viewed by thousands, HER bad. God...I bet she was sweaty too. Gross.

seriously, how ugly must you have been? ydi.

Was this at the Britney Spears Concert?!?! They had that there(:

why would you send a picture of yourself to begin with?

jennnna1234 0

this was at the fall out boy concert in merriweather, wasn't it? right before fall out boy came out. i remember it. so for everybody who thinks its fake, it wasn't.

I agree with #28. Also a lot of FML's have something along the lines of "I just got ____ by a ______. FML" at the end.

Amphysvena 11

WTF! Why are there more "your life is f***ed" statistics than "you deserved it" statistics? The OP sent their own picture in, nobody forced them. The OP so deserved it!