By robincakes94 - 29/11/2011 12:42 - United States

Today, I went to a nursing home to sing Christmas carols to the elderly. They threw their bananas at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 731
You deserved it 6 633

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Carbonation 0

This shit's bananas. Either that or your singing's shit. You decide.

m0tl3ycru3 0


I wish you a merry Christmas I wish you a merry...... bananas!?! It's raining men hallelujah it's raining men :D

pitchblease 2

They love you. They want to make sure you don't cramp.

Could be worse, could have been their depends

RedPillSucks 31

Did you see santa there? I hear he's giving out fingers.

Iknoweverything 29

People rarely volunteer to entertain outside of the Christmas season. That would be a reason to not appreciate. Especially if you're forced to give up your afternoon nap for every damn caroler that walks in.

It's not even December yet! Take the hint, It's way too soon to Christmas carol.

ikickgingers 15

That's only because I know you like...... "Let me hear you say, this shit is bananas" B A N A N A S!!!!

robincakes94 8

I'm on the schedule of my church. I don't pick the dates... This is for everyone asking why I sung so early! & the nursing home already had Christmas decorations up so...

robincakes94 8

Why do I keep getting thumbed down for my simple responses to the questions? Wtf!!

kwanza23 3

149, Just throw bananas at the people thumbing you down. Seems to work quite effectively!

hateevryone 14

well that's not good. can you sing?