By Anonymous - 11/09/2009 17:04 - United States

Today, I went to my girlfriend's and she was wearing some sexy lingerie. After making out passionately for 10 minutes, I started to undress myself, only to have her stop me, confessed that she still wasn't sexually attracted to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 266
You deserved it 4 007

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You dress your hand up in sexy lingerie?

That is a disgusting thing to say to anyone. You should be ashamed of yourself.


lonelyandbroke 0

If she dressed up all sexy for you and made out with you for 10 minutes, how couldn't she be attracted to you, wouldnt she know this before getting to that point? This doesn't make much sense to me. Was she drunk or afraid of sex?

Eh, making out with someone doesn't necessarily mean you're sexually attracted to them.

Maybe she dressed up and made out with him in an attempt to make herself aroused by him. When it didn't happen, she was honest.

This chick waffles harder than Brett Favre, looks like you need to find another fish in the sea.

have her make u a sandwich for beint a ****

Put a wig on your hand. You'll be better off.

that fxckin sucks i guess, u must have had some major bule balls!

have sex with her mother and right when you're about to make her ****** (assuming you have the capability), pull out and say, "sorry, I'm not sexually attracted to you. your daughter made me gay." then **** on a picture of your girlfriend's father and walk out the door.

MiniatureMayhem 0

I hate people. Now I have a mental image of someone giving head to Phil Spector.

Now imagine that someone is your father...

What she really means is that she doesn't find him attractive with his clothes off. She probably finds him hot/cute/handsome from the face but just not sexy or hot when it comes to his body, and therefore she can't have sex with him. I know lots of guys who're attractive from the face and i wouldn't mind making out with them but i wouldn't find them too hot with their clothes off. Simply because i can't have sex with a guy who's either too skinny or chubby at all. OP, sucks to be you. Either meet her requirement or just call it off. Your gf is kind of stupid for staying with you if she doesn't find you attractive, unless she just has no interest in sex.

Hmm.... You know, you bring up an interesting point. OP should talk about her sex drive, unless she's not a virgin. Actually, it sounds to me like they need a good sex talk in general. Find out what her issue is, see if it's fixable. After all, it sounds like she was ready to go, but then changed her mind. There are some people who get into relationships for the personality, and the sexual attraction just comes along later down the road. There are also people who try to force themselves to like someone else, but when they do that it's difficult for them to sleep with them. Something needs to be discussed.

Bunny1313 0

omg u need to run now!! lol this girl is obviously just using u. i'm a girl and I know all the games!! they just wanna get what they can. and when they feel you slipping away they will reel you in like a fish by playing the sex game!! just be careful

OMG you are obviously still a virgin and know nothing about using anyone beyond what you read in Twilight.