By Anonymous - 11/09/2009 17:04 - United States

Today, I went to my girlfriend's and she was wearing some sexy lingerie. After making out passionately for 10 minutes, I started to undress myself, only to have her stop me, confessed that she still wasn't sexually attracted to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 266
You deserved it 4 007

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You dress your hand up in sexy lingerie?

That is a disgusting thing to say to anyone. You should be ashamed of yourself.



You have three options. 1) Wait for her to become sexually attracted to you. Could take a while, or might never happen. 2) Decide to live a life with no or almost no sex. Sucks, but people do it all the time. You might even be able to compromise with her, who knows. 3) Reconsider your relationship and leave. Sex, while not being the most important part, IS a big part of a relationship. If she can't satisfy you (or won't, in this case) and is keeping herself from getting satisfied, you might want to leave, especially if that thought is unbearable for you.

If she thought that, then why was she wearing said "sexy lingerie"

CaroAurelia 12

Am I the only one who immediately wondered if maybe she's asexual? (She probably should have told OP that, but it could be that she hasn't even fully figured it out and is having issues with it.)

"still"? so she said it already and lead you on

Why the **** why she wearing lingerie then?