By L - 16/10/2012 22:59 - Norway - Trondheim

Today, I woke up after having a dream which included sex with a very hot guy. I realized it's about time I get laid, because the hot guy was Brock from Pokémon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 626
You deserved it 6 906

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HooHooHa 6

After years of rejection, Brock finally gets some action!

zingline89 18

Gotta catch 'em all did not refer to STDs.


You and me both girl. Damn we need to get laid.

Don't think Brock is hot....none of the Pokémon characters did it for me. Now Vash the Stampede I can work with :3

patrick29 1

Did his Onix feel good for your Cloyster?

jalapeno64 10

I had the exact same dream one time but with Misty instead. These kinds of dreams are normal right? Right!?????

Lasagnaa 24

I always had a crush on Brock before. :)

Brock sounds like Seto Kaiba, so can't blame you.

brock's like 14 or 15 years old. If around his age, you shouldn't be worried about getting laid. If you're over eighteen, you should be thinking of an older cartoon character.