By Anonymous - 07/12/2009 03:32 - United States

Today, it snowed. So, a guy I like and I decided to go sledding. I really wanted to impress him by going down the hill and casually slowing down at the bottom right at his feet. Instead, I crashed into him and broke his ankle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 839
You deserved it 35 722

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Casually slowing down and stopping at his feet? Riiiiight. AND he didn't think to move out of the way? SO MUCH FAIL. And broken ankles suck :(

elyssarae 0

That's what you get for trying to "be cool," and control any sort of setting. That's un-cool.


maria101 0

haha to the people that actually care i'm 1st!!!!;P shit nevermind^ fag>.>

Casually slowing down and stopping at his feet? Riiiiight. AND he didn't think to move out of the way? SO MUCH FAIL. And broken ankles suck :(

aero_fml 0

That's what I'm saying... have you ever even BEEN sledding? You can't just casually slow down

Eliseopwns 22

Indeed. Recovery from one is long as hell :c

elyssarae 0

That's what you get for trying to "be cool," and control any sort of setting. That's un-cool.

glorbnakcs 0

You know what would have really impressed him? If you casually slid into the kitchen and made him a damn sammich. FHL.

crzy8mnky 1

exactly, this NEVER would have happened if you had just known your place and stayed in the kitchen. When will women learn?!

bexox 0

These jokes are getting so old. Come up with new material or get out!

That is what they said on that last FML and the one before that, and the one before that, AND the one before that. It keeps going. *yawns*

I think I have seen a similar scene in "My Sassy Girl"

FML teaches us all never to try to impress anyone, ever.

i clicked YDI after reading "wanted to impress"

Amen! Anytime mentions "trying to impress" or "be cool" it is an automatic YDI. FML actually taught me to never attempt to "be cool" in a situation that could go wrong so easily. Huzzah!

YDI... have you never been sledding? They go FAST... and are really difficult to control. FHL. Today it snowed and I went sledding with this girl I know, sadly, I never got to get on the sled, except when I fell on it after she crashed into me and broke my ankle. FML

Haha, you did impress him, only by a different way.

He was a ******* idiot for not getting out of the way, though you were also for getting the idea in the first place.