By SingleStrongArm - 03/05/2013 05:16 - Canada - Oshawa

Today, marks the third week in which my girlfriend has gone without taking a shower. She does this every so often, taking showers roughly once per month. She's convinced baby wipes will "hold her over". FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 688
You deserved it 9 762

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hiimhaileypotter 52

I don't think I could ever be with someone who doesn't value being hygienic.... That's gross.

That's nasty. Time to get a new girlfriend.


Its time for an ultimatum....either the stink goes or you do.

You should act sexy, then invite her to join you in the shower for some fun time ( after she wash's of course ).

srogue74 5

WTF?!?!? why didnt anyone tell me this before? i coulda just been freaking using babywipes.

You could tell her , hey you know when I find you your sexy'est right after you get out if the shower , you look so nice and natural.

I thought I was nasty for only showering 5 days out of 7...and yet this girl has a boyfriend and I am single? FML :(

you gotta dump her excessively funky self

tehdarkness 21

I think she needs therapy.

I would have dumped her by now if she was my girlfriend..

that's horribly disgusting. I'd literally not be okay with that....who knows how well she upkeeps the rest of her body.