By SingleStrongArm - 03/05/2013 05:16 - Canada - Oshawa

Today, marks the third week in which my girlfriend has gone without taking a shower. She does this every so often, taking showers roughly once per month. She's convinced baby wipes will "hold her over". FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 688
You deserved it 9 762

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hiimhaileypotter 52

I don't think I could ever be with someone who doesn't value being hygienic.... That's gross.

That's nasty. Time to get a new girlfriend.


it must be like kissing a dumpster full of rotting fruit.

Your the dumbass still ******* her though

You have to be careful because she is extremely dirty. She can get a serious infection and I bet she wears the same underwear for 3 weeks!! Eww. She's so nasty. I would dump her and tell the whole world that she's dirty. Imagine when she's on her period?! It when she has to go in for labor?! That baby will be sliding out a dirty ******!!!

Hardwarre 7

And I'm convinced that u need a new girlfriend. Just ew

What is up with all these disgusting un hygeniec people and the people who agree to date them?

That sounds like my roommate. She showers roughly maybe once a month and thinks that drenching herself in horrible perfume will make her smell better. It doesn't. She is surrounded by a cloud of funk that ranges from 2-4 feet.

TheyCallMeDamien 17
Blaze321 5

Ewwww what is wrong with her