By Oily - 16/12/2011 09:08 - New Zealand

Today, my 7-year-old daughter came up to me in a noisy mall and said "boo-boo" pointing to her hand. Not paying enough attention, I kissed her hand to make her feel better. She grimaced and said "No dad, bird poo." FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 218
You deserved it 14 437

Same thing different taste

Top comments

seximexi911 10

Dirty mouth? Clean it up!! Hahaha I'm sorry I'm laughing at your expense op. :)

Well that's a shitty situ........ No??? Oh ok then. If anyone needs me I'll be sitting in the "overused pun corner"


You should teach your kid to speak right so it does not happen again

iRuleUdrool 4

You should go back and read the FML. She WAS saying bird poo, the mall was just so noisy that he heard 'booboo'.

She's 7, not 3. I'm sure you know she's old enough to talk in proper sentences.

Really? Cause when i was seven i couldnt tell the differwnce between a bunch of squiggles to a sentence.

how did you not see it when you went to kiss it. .

Sorry about that OP. That must have been really gross D:

jaredjudd21 2

Wouldn't you know if your daughter had shit on her hand, ydi for not being more observant.

I don't know of many 7 year olds that stilk say boo-boo... Anyways op that is some shitty stuff there. But wait isnt thatvgood luck or something?

Let's put this into perspective. 7 is about 1st grade. Maybe 2nd depending on what time of year the birthday is. Linguistic skills are still forming. 7 isn't 'too old' to say boo boo.

I think a 7 year old would be smart enough to say "I am hurt"

too bad i've seen this fml about 3 times already

How did you not see bird crap on her hand? YDI for not paying attention.