By Anonymous - 22/06/2009 13:32 - Singapore

Today, my 9 year old nephew found his way onto my iTunes. I now have 401 songs titled "aidfj3P" by "ffjiel". FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 128
You deserved it 7 159

Same thing different taste

Top comments

maggie_gxx 0

oh man i love that song! ffjiel is the best. have u heard algfah9?

How was no one watching him for that long that he could change the names of 400 songs


Woohoo! You get to go through tons of old music! I bet it'll be oodles of fun!

That would actually be kinda adorable if the kid was younger. But 9...well, 9 year olds are usually more mature than that. I remember I wanted a sex life when I was 8, so I'm pretty sure a 9 year old wouldn't type rubbish randomly.

nine year oldsters are actually a lot smarter than they sound.

hahahaXD 0

lol at "nine year oldsters" XDDD

Vista Ultimate or business? You can easily undo that with restore prevois version.


now you and your friends get to play Guess That Song! jk that really sucks

On the bright side, you now have 401 mystery songs!

aaahaha, this is one of the funniest FMLs I've ever read.

bosco_kk 0

Wow, I laughed hard at this! lol but he is 9 years old...he should know how to type.

totalnutjob 0

... And you haven't password protected your computer because... ?? You totally did this to yourself. Revenge on a nine year old should be sweet though. Mess with his mind. Make him realise you shouldn't bring a knife to a nuclear war.