By Anonymous - 05/05/2012 12:07 - Israel - Ramat Hasharon

Today, my boyfriend cuffed my legs to the bed. After the sex we discovered one of the cuffs wouldn't open. After an hour of trying to pry them open, I had to waddle with him to the fire station to have them removed in front of 4 amused firefighters. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 155
You deserved it 8 746

Same thing different taste


perdix 29

Oy, vey iz mir! You had to schlep your bed to the fire station after schtupping? Your boyfriend is a schmuck, but I'll bet the firefighters plotzed!

Unless your Jewish, you're being an antisemetic ****, using yiddish in a comment. If you are Jewish, shalom, me too

This is just like the scene from Bruno

eman1972 4

I've been there, got the T-shirt. LOL

CharlieS0ul 0
nadnerbz 6

You must be a body builder if you managed to walk all the way to the fire station with a bed around your ankle

Leather cuffs and rope are much more fun and easier to remove. Try those next time, OP!

Bolt cutters from Home Depot. Live and learn. Not need to get anyone else involved in your naughty business.

I don't think they have a Home Depot in Israel. I could be wrong though lol

perdix 29

I think the operative phrase in that sentence was "bolt cutters," and Home Depot was just an example of a place where such a tool could be found. The point is: If you're into kinky shit, you need to have all of the equipment to handle mishaps. This is why I keep a defibrillator, oxygen tank, backboard and a large bucket of Crisco close to where the action is ;)

Sounds like somebody was a boy scout. You seem quite prepared lol

fthku 13

Very wrong, #35. Why wouldn't we have Home Depot? To OP, YDI for not checking first but mainly for not being able to open it. Always keep tools in the house.

Kendrakitten 4

Is somebody a bit of a Dominant? XP

Though I'm wondering- Why just your legs? Isn't it usually hands...? XD

I think they did the hands too, but both came off so they just didn't include it.

It's more fun if you force the legs open. You could do this by using a spreader bar, or by cuffing the ankles to the bedposts.

Not all the time, there is even such a thing as ankle cuffs.

Don't complain you know it was your idea :)

pdawg101 8
quincykid23 6

The sex.... Or going to the fire station?