By Anonymous - 20/06/2013 02:23 - United States - Kansas City

Today, my boyfriend of 2 months got upset and frustrated with me because he had yet to meet my mom. I'd told him on our first date that she passed away 4 years ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 690
You deserved it 3 619

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nolimit2217 32

He sounds like he is very attentive!

Hopefully he manages to get that detail to stick soon. -_-


I'm going to judge this two ways. Firstly, you never said in your post that you have mentioned it since the first date. That could explain this, because a first date is a really nervous experience. He might have been so nervous in fact that he simply just forgot it. However if you have told him, he doesn't really have an excuse...

I thought there was going to be a secondly. Such a tease.

there was a secondly. It was under 'however'

Take him to her grave or marker, that will give him what he wants

dont feel to bad OPVots hard to remember things that happened on firt dates sometimes because they are nervous

I'm honestly surprised that anyone thinks that this is something you can just forget. He didn't forget a small, insignificant detail like your favourite brand of salt. He forgot a piece of information that is extremely important and that has significantly influenced your life. Even if he forgot everything else about that date, he should not have forgotten this. I'm sorry about your mother, though. May she rest in peace.

TheyCallMeDamien 17

Epic fail on the attention span.

bob226 7

Hey at least you know he doesn't listen to you

Even if u hadn't told him this, why on Earth would he think it's mandatory to meet your mother after only 4 dates?!