By Anonymous - 20/06/2013 02:23 - United States - Kansas City

Today, my boyfriend of 2 months got upset and frustrated with me because he had yet to meet my mom. I'd told him on our first date that she passed away 4 years ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 690
You deserved it 3 619

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nolimit2217 32

He sounds like he is very attentive!

Hopefully he manages to get that detail to stick soon. -_-


Everyone make mistakes. He might have remembered but just had a slip of mind.

Or he's a single-celled primordial organism and can't remember or forget things... Nah, the dude's brain is a pebble.

Or maybe what he meant was to "meet" your mom as in visiting her grave with you someday? If he really cares about you then it is likely that he wants to meet anyone who you really care about dead or least that's what I think.

Should've said "I'll take you to meet my mom." And took him to her grave while not saying a word on the trip. Simply point at the gravestone. He won't forget again and he'll probably feel so guilty you get something out of it aswell! Win and a win imo.

kunlunkid 3

I have to agree with the "take him to visit the gravesite" contingent. When we were first dating, the first relative my ex-wife "introduced" me to was her late grandmother. Not only did it hammer home the point of "Whoa, dead moomaw," but it stressed to me the importance this person played in my (then-)gf's life. It showed that she cared about me enough to share something like that with me.

LookAttMyyLifee 12

How does anyone vote YDI on this ?

Kuhu1993 21

Just people who dont bother to read the FML's and hit the YDI button to get badges.

It could be that they lack vision and general knowledge entirely...

He could have meant take him to the grave site.. Or he could be a dumbass. One or the other. :)

He could have meant take him to the grave site.. Or he could be a dumbass. One or the other. :)

I hate to break it to you, but you're dating a cockhead.

What a tit... Kick his ass and push him down a flight of stairs.

That's a kind of thing a boyfriend probably shouldn't forget.