By cutiekenz21 - 31/07/2011 00:45 - United States

Today, my boyfriend's mother walked in on us having sex. He started crying and ran into the bathroom where my clothes were located, leaving me to deal with his mother. Naked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 776
You deserved it 8 373

Same thing different taste

Top comments

theboss3469 4

I bet the conversation with his mother was loads of fun right?


Sounds like he's not mature enough to be having sex in the first place!

How're too young to be doing that in the 1st place, so knock off ******* ******* for guys so you don't get knocked up & wait til you're both old enough not to run crying like the babies that you both still are?

Thats why teenagers shouldn't have sex! Mommies dont like that!

Wow, mom should've walked away and let you and him get dressed and stuff without just standing there. She already stopped the fun. Lol But then again you shouldn't have been banging it out with the chance of her coming home.

sanjm3 0

Hi wanna chat i wanna get 2 know u a bit better

FMLsOhilarious 6

What a noob, he starting crying? lol. Too funny.

22cute 17

you need to atop dating children

Igor_g5 0

Your boyfriend is a WUSS. Need to start lookin someplace else.

you need a real man that is not ur pussyfriend aka crybaby or aka mamasboy.

when your BF gets out of the bathroom, I'd tell him to call ya back when he grows a pair!