By cutiekenz21 - 31/07/2011 00:45 - United States

Today, my boyfriend's mother walked in on us having sex. He started crying and ran into the bathroom where my clothes were located, leaving me to deal with his mother. Naked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 776
You deserved it 8 373

Same thing different taste

Top comments

theboss3469 4

I bet the conversation with his mother was loads of fun right?


rynodude 0

wow. that guy is going to be teased by that for the rest of his life. might have been a bad moment for you, but at his weding, I'm sure his mom will bring the crying story up and he'll have a good FML post for that day. but he totally deserves it so it's all good.

s10biker 1

you deserve it for having a boyfriend that's a fricking wuss. in all honesty I had that happen to me once. it sucks

you deserved it for dating someone who isn't man enough to have sex. I say that because he ran off crying....what is he? 12?

horrorfreak79nj 2

Tell your boyfriend there are a couple of other things which will probably send him off crying too. First, tell him your breaking up. Then, tell him that during your conversation with his mother; you found out both his parents deeply regret not aborting him when they had the change. (For good measure, also throw in his mom admitting he was an accident to begin with).

candys123 0

You should have asked him to finish you off so you can leave!

how did you feel when you discovered your boyfriend had a ******???