By Anonymous - 29/12/2010 11:25 - United States

Today, my boyfriend told me he loved me for the very first time in three years. Apparently, all it took was anal. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 673
You deserved it 13 287

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

It used to be "the way to a man's heart is through his stomach," but now it is apparently "the way to a man's heart is through your asshole." On the other hand, I wouldn't trust an "I love you" that is said right after anal -- he's probably talking shit.


You were still with someone who hadn't said "I love you" after 3 years? I mean, I'm not a proponent of being an "I love you ****," but that really should have set off bad relationship warning bells.

Why am I the only girl on the planet who actually enjoys anal? There is absolutely nothing wrong with it. Myths: 1) It's dirty. (Not if you clean your anus on a regular basis. Also, it's always a good idea to take a shit at least an hour prior to the act and to rinse/wash the area really well. If there's nothing in your rectum, nothing will come out.) 2) It hurts. (Only if you don't use lube. Lube is key for pleasurable anal sex. If you're using plenty of lube, anal sex shouldn't hurt at all.) 3) Only gay people do that (Obviously not.) Aside from the myths, if done correctly, anal can be EXTREMELY pleasurable. It's a whole different sensation, and the anus has lots of nerve endings that, at least for me, when touched can produce a whole different array of awesome sensations. Sometimes, anal play/sex is the only way I can have an ******. So like others have said: don't knock it before you try it. You have no idea what you're missing out on. ;)

Not the only one, Penguin! I agree with you, 100%.

FMLoverAgain 7
monnanon 13

Your points are correct but for a lot of people that is not the reasons for not wanting to partake in anal. For me it was something that I thought was an act of domination and something I was not willing to let anyone do. You have to completely trust the person not to hurt you and a whole load of other things that i didn't have with anyone til my current partner. I have tried it with him but tbh I didn't see what the big deal was, it was quite nice but not mind shatteringly wonderful. Now I have other reasons that i no longer wish to do it. Namely finding out how weak the muscles and skin down there are when i was giving birth to my son, Hell I was scared to poo for about a week never mind let anything go the other way.

Well, see, I was mainly pointing my post at the other posters who are all, "EEWWWW ANAL! GROSS! THAT'S WHERE YOUR POOP COMES OUT! EEWWW!" and being really immature about it. Your reasons for not doing it are valid, mature reasons for not doing. I didn't say everyone should do it, nor that everyone has to enjoy it, but people make anal sex out to be like it's something god-awful when it's not. Maybe it's not everyone's cup of tea, but it's not bad or wrong to partake in this particular sexual act.

Yep, by alot of peoples' lines of thought, it is the same as saying 'why would anyone put a penis in a ******? Pee comes out of it!' Alot of the appeal of anal sex is psychological. It can be thrilling to slide your penis into an area that many people feel is "taboo".

That's true, but pee doesn't come out of the hole you **** when having vaginal intercourse. A lot of people miss that.

This is true too, but pee comes out of the same area, so if we're having the thought process as #177 suggested, then it would be easy to understand why someone wouldn't want to stick his penis in the general area.

True again! Haha... this all seems quite similar to the "I don't want to give you a ******* because pee comes out of there" argument.

Lol! You still remember that! Well, I think I posted it on there, but I've gotten oral twice since then...and, I figured out that it doesn't really do anything for me. It feels good in a non-sexual kind of way, like if someone gave you a massage. Not ******-inducing, but still enjoyable nonetheless, lawlz. XD

Whatever works! :P At least now I know I'm not the only one who enjoys anal. Huzzah!

Nope you're not the only one. I promised my boyfriend I'd try almost everything with him and anal turned out to be a pretty damn good decision. He loves it, which makes me feel good about myself and in turn even better about anal. It's not one of those things I do purely because I enjoy it (even though I do), but because he loves it so much. Kind of like ********. I enjoy giving him ********, but the fact that he loves it makes it even better for me. There's nothing wrong with "selflessly" satisfying your man every once in a while.

Also, my boyfriend and me didn't have lube when we first tried it so we pretty much just switched from vaginal to anal and it still didn't hurt. Surprisingly.

222: Hope you switched condoms or he washed himself if you ever went from anal to vaginal. Those e-coli bacterias in the bum are not friends with the good old ******! :c

samteresa 0

girl u should've dumped him at least 2 years ago. doesn't take 3 years to love & btw he doesn't actually love u if thts what made him say it. sorry but turn & run from tht one!!

if you keep that tihs up you'll be wearing a diaper your whole life. just sayingg.

WRONG!!! You have 2 sphincters and they are very elastic.

hahasluts 0

TDI because its a true love story; it made me think of Cinderella, if her ass was the glass slipper. or perhaps Sleeping Beauty, if she was awoken by true love's dick-up-the-ass.


aha! Who has a big butt hole?? u doo!! haha

rofflewaffle 9

YDI for having anal sex with someone who doesn't love you. Seriously.

It sounds like he pulled The Houdini on you.