By Stars - 04/08/2009 16:55 - United States

Today, my boyfriend took me on a surprise date night down a dirt road to a field in the middle of nowhere. He packed some blankets, a bottle of wine, and some condoms. He didn't know the dirt road was actually a driveway until all of our clothes were off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 780
You deserved it 13 422

lilwhitey tells us more.

lilwhitey 0

We have been together for over 9 months, and it was actually a very romantic date. He is one of the best guys I have ever met, and I couldn't be a luckier girl!

Top comments

Hopefully you didn't get caught. No, wait, I hope you did.

"We made love and then suddenly it was like the bright light at the end of the tunnel and I knew-" "That's so romantic!" "No, it was a truck."


Oh, and lilwhitey - this was posted by Stars.

notapplicable123 0

Maybe she was logged out and used a nickname, then logged back in. But then again, you can't always trust the internet. OP: Ick, FYL. When I go on my trip to FL, we drive through country spots. It IS hard to decipher a dirt road from a driveway. Most country driveways are left unpaved because it'd cost to much to pave the whole thing.

lilwhitey 0

yeah, i posted it as stars because we were looking at the stars and saw a couple shooting stars! then i needed a username to comment on everyone else's comments so i made one

kellster 2

Honey, driveway/dirt road aside, that's not a date. That's what you do AFTER the date. If he was going to stage this as a "date", it was missing several key elements: good location (backseat does not count, nor does the dirt road), something apart from condoms and alcohol. A picnic in the country, followed by sex, would have been a date. This was just cheap sex. And stupidly executed. How the **** do you confuse a driveway with a dirt road?!

because the "datee" has the IQ of the "dater"?

kthxdie 0

if it's out in the country, there most likely aren't concrete driveways, dumbass. it's all dirt roads, and the houses are so spaced out, it's impossible to tell which are roads and which are "driveways", if you can even call them that. more like long dirt paths that lead to a house from another long, dirt path that probably doesn't lead anywhere.

OwMyToe 0

Aww man :( Sounds like it would have been a great time.

LMFAO at least you now have a story to tell! the owners of the house didnt call the cops did they?

fantasy_ 0

FYL and YDI because you didnt notice it was a driveway either..

julesx3 0

i rlly hate it when ppl comment on and fml and say its a fake... it cud be an fml to one person and not one to another

So, he took you down "the old dirt road", huh?

so you were taking clothes off while the car was still moving??