By Becca - 09/01/2018 13:30 - Australia

Today, while my boyfriend was going down on me, he started to really get into it and get rough. He tore my labia and I now need stitches. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 942
You deserved it 571

Top comments

He took the phrase “eating you out” way too literally! For revenge, you ought to give him a ******** and inflate him!

exileonmainst 16

Use a mold of your dad’s penis instead. 0% risk of torn labias, guaranteed! If you need lube, there’s this woman in Canada who’s giving away a bunch of olive oil for some reason.


exileonmainst 16

Use a mold of your dad’s penis instead. 0% risk of torn labias, guaranteed! If you need lube, there’s this woman in Canada who’s giving away a bunch of olive oil for some reason.

I should take off my diaper and smear feces all over this comment!

He took the phrase “eating you out” way too literally! For revenge, you ought to give him a ******** and inflate him!

boopingsnoot 24

Inflate? Or is this a foreskin joke us 'Murricans won't get?

She can make a balloon animal out of it when she’s done ?

thehaystackerine 20

For some reason I want to know how he managed to do this unless he has his **** pierced

boopingsnoot 24

He was "eating her out" aka ***********. No penis involved. He bit her bits.

KnowsWhatAJokeIs 4

Or a guy who has never used/seen the phrase "eating out".

boopingsnoot 24

Well, at least I know what tonight's nightmare is gonna be about...

Anyone seen the movie "Raw"? It's the first thing that came to my mind while reading this

Is his nickname the Thunder Down Under?

No, it’s thunderbolt and lightning. Very very frightening!

Dude, you're not supposed to actually EAT the beef curtains!