By disgusted - 19/09/2012 00:42 - United States - Herndon

Today, my dad's recycling went out of control. He now keeps a calendar of my periods, just to remind me to recycle the cardboard from my tampons. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 663
You deserved it 2 018

Same thing different taste

Top comments

theslimshadylp 6

The recycling company will gladly tell you to just throw that away no questions asked.

MrBond007_fml 6

This is a good thing. Your father has taken it upon himself to save the world... One tampon box at a time...


iseyixes 18

He would just remind her to recycle the plastic.

I thought they all came in plastic now? I don't think I'd want to shove cardboard up there...unless or course you're talking about the box, but then, you wouldn't really need to go to such lengths to remember to recycle a box...

#17 No, the ones with cardboard applicators haven't been discontinued yet.

Generally they're found in gas station bathrooms. Pretty much an emergency ONLY purchase.

They still have them. I've never used one, and never want to, but they're supposedly more painful which is why plastic is more common.

I find it odd that a woman would say she doesn't want to shove cardboard up there, but is fine with plastic, as if its a huge difference. But what do I know, I'm just a goat.

54 - I've never actually used the cardboard ones but, although I think they are lightly laminated or protected somehow, they would be slightly rougher and possibly even absorbent which isn't good down there. The plastic ones on the other hand are smooth and slide in really easy...hope that's not too much information lol

BeforeItWasCool 12

61- The issue with cardboard applicators is that they break far too easily. They were covered with some kind of laminate but it was too weak, and if it came into contact with liquid the applicator just fell apart. I think they fixed the issue, but once plastic was introduced it was generally just easier. So I think that's why most brands have stopped using cardboard.

sdh715 6

I use cardboard ones and they work just fine.

The cardboard ones really do hurt and they do fall apart quite often. I always try to stick to plastic.

God, you people talk like you stick the applicator up there and leave it there all day. You know you don't have to stick the applicator up your vag to insert the tampon, right?

Well you do have to stick it partway in, or use applicatorless tampons and save a lot of waste

They are. Don't use them unless absolutely necessary.

@72 all brands of tampons still come with cardboard applicators. You just pay more for the plastic kind.

bfsd42 20

You bloody well recycle that!!!!??

perdix 29

That's just an excuse. He just wants to know when your bitchiness has a physical cause, and is not just part of your innate nasty personality.

So what's your ******* shit excuse, Perdix?

MrBond007_fml 6

No, I know exactly what perdix is talking about. I keep a schedule of who to avoid when. Why play with fire?

I admire his quest to protect the environment, but that's pretty damn unnecessary. The world will not spin off it's axis without you recycling that sort of stuff. Not to mention, it just sounds creepy in a way.

HeyArnold91 8

Why in bloody hell would he do that?!

don't get pregnant ... especially if your dads keeping track of your monthly gift

If he really cared he'd have you using reuse-able (washable) pads.