By nolongerengaged - 03/02/2009 17:08 - United States

Today, my fiance told me that he no longer loves me, that he still has feelings for an ex. The wedding is off and he needs the ring back to give to the right woman. FML
I agree, your life sucks 77 829
You deserved it 3 897

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Re #6: Yeah, but she isn't the one who is breaking the promise to get married! He did! I'm a law student, and there is no consensus amongst courts as to what to do when an engagement is broken off. Some jurisdictions say that no matter what, the man gets the ring back since he bought it. Others say the one who didn't break off the engagement, is the one who keeps the ring, since it was a gift conditioned on a marriage occurring. Other courts say it's an inter vivos gift made to the woman and doesn't have to be returned. I say do the research and find out what your jurisdiction says. If they say you can keep the ring, I say screw him and keep it/pawn it. Furthermore, I believe the Emily Post approach is if you are a girl who breaks off an engagement, you return the ring. If he breaks it off, you keep the ring. Why make his life any easier? Sell the damn thing and treat yourself to a vacation so you can forget that loser. With time, you'll see he did you a huge favor that he revealed his true nature now, instead of down the line. I wish you the best of luck. God bless.


That sounds like the Bachelor! Take the ring and pawn it girl!!

starshine3987 0

Do not give that back. It was given as a gift and is no longer his. Plus, what kind of a women would accept it? If you do give it back be sure to give her a call just to let her know it is used.

That basically just happened to me, but a little less extreme. I feel your pain though..

simplyme13 0

I would totally sell the ring, and then use the money for whatever you need to do to heal (ex. spa day, vacation, therapy, ect!!) GOOD LUCK!!!!

wow...amazing...on that exact same day my ex-fiance did pretty much the same thing, only i had to find out from one of her friends that she was still "in love" with another guy, and that she cheated on me a few days before (not with that guy, just some random, married, former TA of hers)

Engagement/marriage protocol is that if he breaks it off (especially for another woman) you totally keep the ring. Sell it.

You should take the ring to a jeweler and have it engraved with your name in the band. Then give it back so he can give it to "the right woman" and maybe she'll see what a piece of garbage he is.