By lolzboss - 07/03/2011 19:04 - United States

Today, my five year old son decided to move all my stuffed animals I have around the house, into sex positions and massive orgies. What have I been teaching my son lately? FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 472
You deserved it 46 281

Same thing different taste

Top comments

a_girl_i_know 0

today's kids know a lot more stuff now than when we were kids, I wouldn't be surprised if he learned it at school.

memo619 0

I think it was the fathers influence


WOW, it's like you've exchanged roles. The adult has got stuffed animals and the kid is illustrating orgies ;D

ikik, i walkd in on my parents one time and then i joined them. it was awsome, but then my daddy had to go away for a while. he didnt come back.

bigger question...why do you as an adult have a bunch of stuffed animals?

Wow 119, way to make it about you. And your silly little incident with a three year old ASKING what boobs are is NOTHING compared with a FIVE year old apparently KNOWING what sex and orgies are. Big huge difference. Basically what they're saying is one of the ways young children act after being sexually abused is to mimic what happened to them with toys. So that's why it's a red flag.

doofinsmurf 0

Has he been watching South Park? Reminds me of "A Woodland Critter Christmas"

MyLifeIsGreat_ha 0

evedentally jr found out mommy's a *****

Runner0050 0

As if he actually knows what those positions are; why don't you stop worrying and play with him rather than make him wander aimlessly around the house to find yet another stuffed animal.

You have a 5-year old son and still have your own stuffed animals? ^.-