By brycepetrillo - 07/09/2013 16:08 - United States - New Port Richey

Today, my girlfriend broke up with me through my birthday card. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 185
You deserved it 3 972

Same thing different taste

Top comments


RedDragonx32 8

I hope if u ever had intercourse with her u cam in her face for good memories. dumb bitch for real. im mad now x.x

Whats with all the birthdays. This is the 5th FML that I have read recently with birthday in the subject.

Your girlfriend is an insensitive bitch, she doesn't deserve you and she shouldn't ruin your day, maybe if you want to take revenge do what is in comment #14...

I didn't know there was a worse way to dump a person than through text... Well here it is!

jogihoppa8343 23

happy birthday OP!!...n dont be sad for the one who left you..just be thankful to god for giving you an opportunity to find someone Better .

that sucks man! hope you had a nice bday anyways!

October3461 12

My now ex bf broke up with me and made it seem like I purposely drove him to do it. And then called me names. I would much rather have had it your way any day. so chin up op :)