By Anonymous - 14/06/2013 21:21 - Australia - Brisbane

Today, my girlfriend got into bed with me and started fooling around. I had a terrible migraine, which she knew, so I asked her to stop because it wasn't helping. She then yelled at me for being "ungrateful" and "selfish", and accused me of secretly being gay. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 426
You deserved it 7 605

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just because you had a migraine she accused you of all of those terms? Good gravy.

GemmaStyles 14

If anything, she's the selfish one.


Let us know how curative it is the next time you have a severe migraine--just just a pansy little headache. Know the difference, and shut up.

That's coercive rape, dude. Your gf tried to coerce you into sex against your will. jfc

Just so you know sex cures migraine. Sience bitch

Well first of all, you can even spell "science" correctly. Secondly, you expect everyone to take your word for it with zero sources to back you up. Thirdly, if you were right, every migraine sufferer would just jack off and live with a good quality of life. The reason they don't is because your claim is 100% bullshit.

CharresBarkrey 15

You know what cures migraines? Complete silence, darkness, sleep, and strong pain medicine. Sex will NOT help.

I wouldn't trust anyone's opinion who can't even spell science. According to science: you're retarded.

Wow. What a bitch. I'm sorry you had to go through that and I hope you feel better. Migraines can be rough for sure.

IMO, she sounds like a selfish bitch. I wouldn't fool with anyone who is going to yell at you over sex.

Woah, why is it a crime every time a man turns down sex?

She might have been smoking weed under start projectors..!

She should respect ur wishes. However a quick way to relive the pain of a migraine is an ******. :)

Actually no, ****** can help with most normal headaches but a migraine is not a normal headache. As someone who gets migraines frequently I know if I tried to have sex during one I'd end up crying and throwing up everywhere.

brittyed 11

Hopefully her reaction was only because she was "in the moment". Otherwise if she is ALWAYS like this, then she is a bitch and you don't need to be dealing with that, OP.

@80 You should always remember what people say to you in anger. That is when the truth comes out.

caysters 12

Shoulda let her give you a ********. The endorphins may have helped your head a little.