By Haitwun - 14/12/2015 07:29 - United States - El Monte

Today, my girlfriend tells me she missed her period this month. I felt excited until she said, "I will let you know the results of the paternity test." I was not aware we needed a paternity test. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 181
You deserved it 2 620

Same thing different taste


why is everyone jumping on the chick? there's plenty of things to explain this other than she's been banging someone else A) She could have told him over text and this may have been been a failed autocorrect B) It could be that she's having the blood test kind of pregnancy test and she may have thought that it's called something different C) Could've been a brain fart/OP is going out with someone dumb and she just said the wrong word D) Could've been a joke Yes, she could have cheated and that would be disgusting of her to tell him in that way, but no one knows the full story so maybe don't jump to conclusions

Redgy22 26

I wasn't aware that she was a fuzzy baby bird. If that's the case, then I can understand a typo what with her having a beak and all.

#46, not even funny sarcasm. Everyone over 5 grasps that chick is slang for woman. You just jumped at the chance to make a joke and failed hard.

Redgy22 26

It's also considered derogatory FYI.

Thank you for clarifying #63. I honestly didn't even understand the joke #46 was trying to make....

This is the first time I've heard that "chick" was derogatory, can you please explain why?

yes, in much the same way 'dude' is derogatory to males and 'kid' is derogatory to children

The literal definition of 'dude' is a rich old man. How is that derogatory?

sarcasm doesn't translate well on the internet, huh?

virtue333 4

She prolly meant pregnancy test...I hope

She probably meant pregnancy test, you're the one that would have to do a paternity test. unless she's just going to have the other guy (s) do the test..

I feel like she must have meant to say pregnancy test, for paternity she would need your DNA to test. This suggests she will do it without you.

Let's hope your girlfriend is a bit of a ditz and mixed up paternity and pregnancy test... Funnier mix ups have happened, had a ditz in my high school class who was dead set that she was right when she mixed up organism and ******....

I think a follow up would be good op!

Are you sure she didn't mean pregnancy test and just misspoke?

Be glad she's getting a paternity test instead of just declaring you or someone else the father. Now you'll know whether or not you have any rights regarding the kid and whether or not you're to be held responsible for the financial support of the kid.

This is a different point of view, but why were you excited OP? If you want kids, fantastic, but if you hadn't discussed having any previously, it raises a controversial debate that can possibly alter your life (it's also a bit messier of you aren't married either). Either way, if she's cheating on you, then be glad you escaped making your kids have a ***** of a mom.