By for fuck's sake, gran - 25/07/2015 05:30 - United States - Bainbridge

Today, my grandma and I went shopping. When I picked up some shower gel, she started ranting in front of everyone that shower gel injures one's "lady parts" and causes infertility, and that she wants me to give her great-grandchildren. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 486
You deserved it 1 777

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell her that if you smell, you won't find a man. If you can't find a man, you can't give her grandbabies.

I can't even comprehend the thought process behind that...


Older folks always get to a point where they just don't care what they say anymore. I think she's hit that point. XD

Lol my grandma yelled about how I "need to go buy some vinegar to keep it tight" so when I do finally find a husband I'll at least have "something" that'll keep him interested. We were waiting in the lobby of her doctors office and all the other elder ladies agreed with her.

Uh... What? Are you supposed to shoot the vinegar up your cooch? This makes no sense.

additionally the smell would be terryfing...

t thought it was lemon juice you used to keep it tight and fresh.

RockstarJAy 16

I feel like after a certain point in a person's life, their 'filter' of what is and isn't appropriate just stops working

Your username alone lets me know how you felt

Why don't older people take embarrassment into consideration? Like, you remember when you were embarrassed by your own olders too don't you?

Tell her to act the part of a lady, and not talk about lady parts in public

MrThump 16

Tell her your vibrator probably does more damage.

FalloutScrolls 25

I can't wait until I reach the age where I simply stop caring about whatever I say, too.

corky1992 33

lol if this were true I wouldn't have kids right now. wonder where in the hell she got that idea