By Anonymous - 03/11/2012 13:50 - United States

Today, my hair straightener broke. My husband suggested putting electrical tape on it because it was heat proof. I did and started straightening my hair. The supposed heat proof tape melted and got stuck in my hair. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 336
You deserved it 34 790

Same thing different taste


You're so stupid! Probably a bleached blonde.

miz_kamakazi 11

Depending on what's broken, you can use some JB weld. It won't melt, trust me.

no, but it COULD burst into flame. -_- almost as bad an idea as the electrical tape.

Obvious8 3

Electrical tape isn't heat proof, not in the slightest. It just doesn't carry an electrical current. You'd be better off finding a sort of silicone tape, that will probably be more heat resistant. I think there is a brand called "Emergency Tape" or something like that.

sugarshane007 20

Well, YDI OP. clearly electrical wires never get that hot. You both need to have your heads checked to see if there is anything up there. I kind of hope this may have required a reasonable hair cut, because the story at Thanksgiving would be well worth the laughs.

What an idiot. Everyone knows that duct tape works best.

carminecris89 13

I don't know why you would even consider that. Places like Walmart and Target have cheap ones that work great. Next time if something like that breaks, replace it.

KM96 24

You needed to straighten your hair that badly?

AndOtherDrugs 5

I've used electrical tape to fix a straightener and had it work perfectly fine. No melting or anything.