By Anonymous - 03/11/2012 13:50 - United States

Today, my hair straightener broke. My husband suggested putting electrical tape on it because it was heat proof. I did and started straightening my hair. The supposed heat proof tape melted and got stuck in my hair. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 336
You deserved it 34 790

Same thing different taste


Hey at least your husband tried helping. Next time just use a clothes iron. My sisters used to do that until they finally gave in and bought a hair straightener

Don't most straighteners come with a warranty......

yenidewi 11

seems someone will have a new hairstyle ... :D

PhannyPack09 8

This is borderline a fake submission... I can't believe people are this dumb.

Kb_Harlem 0

your husband is a dumbass, plastic melts...

Nightmare323 1

Both you and your husband are dumbasses -_-

caitiebug1119 15

See this is why people think straight men shouldn't be hairstylists and women can't fix things. And you also didn't notice the smell of something strange burning? If you were using a mirror, you didn't notice the tape turning to goo? I'll cross my fingers for you and hope your hair won't have to be cut too short.

try using self-fusing (silicone) tape next time. That stuff doesn't use any adhesive and won't melt until it gets >500 degrees.