By starley - 13/08/2010 09:11 - United States

Today, my husband of 3 years, who I have a 1 year old daughter with, told me he wants a divorce, but who knows, maybe in the future we can "date." FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 947
You deserved it 3 443

Same thing different taste


Narwhaler 0

haha only if your lucky why did he ask for a divorce then?

fyourlife1990 0

I know man, I'll use the 2 words in sentences Sentence 1-Are you and YOUR friends going to the mall? Sentence 2-YOU'RE(aka you are) a very smart person. just clearing those up 

Narwhaler 0

he probably said that in his warped way of being nice

You probably got too fat after the kid, so he just wants to come back when you get in shape.

2igutierrez31 2
perdix 29

At least he used a nice euphemism for "**** buddy."

I'm just shocked at the sympathy op is getting. poor thing. you guys realize the divorce might not have anything to do with her at all. I think this is great for op tho, she gets to be single and independent except for the dating the soon to be ex-husband part though. what an ass if him to even say such a thing.

Seriously? I can't believe all you women who are saying "at least he might come back" or whatever. A man who would leave his wife and child just to check out what other options may be available to him is a DIRTBAG! If he thinks they may be able to get back together later, then they should be staying together.