By ohmy. - 27/12/2010 17:52 - United States

Today, my husband yawned in the middle of our wedding vows. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 474
You deserved it 7 154

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lidemocr 0

it's a reflex. although I have learned the art of yawning through my nose for situations like this

sallen0046 4

Yawning is a nervous reaction, as well as an indicator of being tired. Weddings are both tiring and nerve wracking, so it's perfectly natural that someone would have such a response. Don't take it as a personal attack upon your marriage.


TerrorDollie 0

So? Yawn during sex,, that simple.

if you get upset about something this trivial, I pity the future your poor husband has in store for him.

"Today I was up all night, being nevous about my wedding. I accidently ended up yawning in the middle of our vows becasue I was so tired. FML."

It is the brain that says it needs the oxygen, not the lungs... brainy. And it also a common signal among primates... that's why it is contagious.

well duh, listening to someone saying "do you take ........." while it's going on forever, I would try and hold backfrom yawning.

kiakia0131 23

Cant really blame the guy for having to listen to a long boring speech :(

TrinityisLife 22

I read it :P Do I get a cookie? Cooooooooooooooooooookie please.

As long as he isn't yawning during the honeymoon, no worries.