By ohmy. - 27/12/2010 17:52 - United States

Today, my husband yawned in the middle of our wedding vows. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 474
You deserved it 7 154

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lidemocr 0

it's a reflex. although I have learned the art of yawning through my nose for situations like this

sallen0046 4

Yawning is a nervous reaction, as well as an indicator of being tired. Weddings are both tiring and nerve wracking, so it's perfectly natural that someone would have such a response. Don't take it as a personal attack upon your marriage.


LSU33DucKAholiC 0

You're a complete idiot. Please don't EVER get married.

xeldawyn 14

I yawn when I smile a lot. I'm sure he was very happy to marry you(:

mkat517 0

I hope you do realize that people yawn not only when they are tired, but also when they are nervous or even excited. Not very common, but it's true, I always yawn when I'm nervous. You can also stop yawning by taking in deeper breaths, since you yawn when your brain isn't getting enough oxygen. Don't ask me how I know all this, I have no idea... XD

so? you yawn do to lack of oxygen. he could of also had a lot of stress the night before and was tired. not all yawning means boredom stop overreacting

Write more entertaining wedding vows next time. *yawn*

Yawns are cause by many things like tiredness, nervousness or even hungriness. Heck, there's no specific reason of why we yawn.