By skizpow7 - 28/07/2010 16:53 - United States

Today, my live-in girlfriend and I broke up. She told me she can't leave because she has nowhere to go. I'm stuck with her until she finds a job and an apartment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 983
You deserved it 10 710

skizpow7 tells us more.

It is my apartment, and we broke up mutually. she moved here from 50 miles away to live here and we'd been together two years. we just recently figured out that our relationship was great... right up until she moved in. we simply can't live together. and I'm not gonna kick her out, totally rude. she gave up her life in her town to come live here, I don't expect her to be able to up and leave. she's only been here a month and doesn't know anyone close and her parents live 4 states away. it'll just be super awkward. FML

Top comments

smokergirl420 0

It sucks that you guys weren't able to live together, and I really respect you for not kicking her out. I know how it is to not have anyone else to rely on other than my bf. Things will be awkward but since it sounds like the two of you didn't have a terrible nasty breakup and it was a mutual agreement then I don't think it will be too too awkward. Good luck to both of you.

just kick her out. it's her problem, not yours


Grow a spine and 1) make her your sex slave or 2) Kick her the **** out on her ass in the gutter were her leeching ass deserves to be

mynameisal 0
jlynntiger 0

pshhh shouldn't hav been living together in the first place, cause stuff like this happens

VooDooXII 0

This is why I'm always skeptical about moving in with a significant other that I'm not married to.

Csfa19 0

#11 is the finest girl on this site!

missdezzybabee 0

You better be a man and put her bitch as out!! While she's sleep you put all her shirt on the curb, then if she stays you call the cops & say you have an intruder! Plain & simple!!

LOLZ if she's on the lease she has every right to be there until the lease is up.

missdezzybabee 0

I doubt it because she is unemployed and probably has been for a while.

missdezzybabee 0

typos---> I meant "put her ASS out.." & "put her SHIT on the curb.."

keep a tab for what u spend on her ..It will come in handy..

MAV223 0

Grow some balls and kick her out! She probably broke up w u, which means u have the right to kick her out!! Obviously she's not worth it, she didn't even have a job! Just living off of you... Give her the boot!!

If her names not on the lease have her arrested for trespassing