By skizpow7 - 28/07/2010 16:53 - United States

Today, my live-in girlfriend and I broke up. She told me she can't leave because she has nowhere to go. I'm stuck with her until she finds a job and an apartment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 983
You deserved it 10 710

skizpow7 tells us more.

It is my apartment, and we broke up mutually. she moved here from 50 miles away to live here and we'd been together two years. we just recently figured out that our relationship was great... right up until she moved in. we simply can't live together. and I'm not gonna kick her out, totally rude. she gave up her life in her town to come live here, I don't expect her to be able to up and leave. she's only been here a month and doesn't know anyone close and her parents live 4 states away. it'll just be super awkward. FML

Top comments

smokergirl420 0

It sucks that you guys weren't able to live together, and I really respect you for not kicking her out. I know how it is to not have anyone else to rely on other than my bf. Things will be awkward but since it sounds like the two of you didn't have a terrible nasty breakup and it was a mutual agreement then I don't think it will be too too awkward. Good luck to both of you.

just kick her out. it's her problem, not yours


twinny_sc 13

Maybe they have a shared lease.

that's cute that ure letting her stay lol

Makaylahh 0

thatt suxx whatt she bring a guy home

What happens when she decides its time to bring a guy home???

HazmatPilgrimage 0

Nope he broke up with her otherwise he would've stated she did the breaking up. most likely he surprised her with it and wants people to feel for him. Once again just another douche with an FML.

Actually it was mutual. If you read skizpow7's post (#108) then you'll know. (Little blue medal in the corner means OP) you'll know that.

you are only stuck with her because you don't have the balls to change the locks and kick her ass to the curb.

vuvuzela96 0

Have fun listening to her scream when some random dude has her knees by her ears.

You should be happy. Atleast you dont live with a fat bitch who drinks all your beer.

it's too late for this guy, but for everybody else: do not live with your significant other. period. Maybe as a very last step before marriage, but even then, you probably shouldn't even be getting married, for this very reason. There simply is not ever a good reason. No Im not a religious kook-just live near, but not with each each other. money an issue? you can both get roommates. If money really is an issue then you're not mature enough to be getting married anyway. Roll your eyes all you want, but I promise I'm right.

smokergirl420 0

I'm not exactly sure what you're trying to say, but correct me if I'm wrong. I understood this as saying don'l live together unless you're married, but don't even bother getting married because it won't work out? or because you're getting married for the wrong reason?