By Mellamononeyobiz - 13/01/2016 02:10 - United States - Hooper

Today, my mom smoked pot in my sister's bedroom while I was at school. When I noticed the stench, she blamed the cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 145
You deserved it 1 628

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Soft kitty, high kitty Little ball of fur Happy kitty, hazy kitty Purr, purr, purr

Now I'm thinking of a kitty that's absolutely blazed out of its mind.


I feel bad for you with that bad of an example for a parent

I'm prepared for my thumbs down, but I can't sympathize. "Today my mother who (probobly) owns the house she lets me live in for free (and if she doesn't I still don't have my own place for no reason) smoked a plant in a room that wasn't even mine and then joked about it **** my life"

Common problem, cats that smoke weed . Most start at a young age introduced to it by stay at home Mom's ......Never! Sorry, your Mom is as sharp as a bowling ball .... uh Numba?? ;)

drc2010 13

I don't see what the big FML is about this. "Marijuana" is legal in several States, kills Cancer, and saves millions of people from having to go thru horrible, toxic chemotherapy and radiation sessions.