By getting real crafty.. - 05/07/2015 15:51 - United States - Sanford

Today, my mother found out about the psychology exam I have to take tomorrow. Before leaving for her vacation this morning, she grabbed the internet router and took it with her to "get rid of distractions". I have one day to figure out how to access this online exam without Internet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 098
You deserved it 2 014

Same thing different taste

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To the people who say go buy a router. Most come with the modem built in! I know all the "routers" I have bought or been given from the isp inc cable all have the modem and route in one. Meaning they could be really in the shit. Very rare to get two boxes imo.

Go to a library, Starbucks, or see if a neighbor will given you wifi

You could buy a virgin mobile wifi that plugs into your computer

Seriously I would of called her up and yelled her the **** out, and then blamed her for possibly failing.

Connect your modem to your PC or laptop or do it on your phone with data