By getting real crafty.. - 05/07/2015 15:51 - United States - Sanford

Today, my mother found out about the psychology exam I have to take tomorrow. Before leaving for her vacation this morning, she grabbed the internet router and took it with her to "get rid of distractions". I have one day to figure out how to access this online exam without Internet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 098
You deserved it 2 014

Same thing different taste

Top comments


No one wants to take an exam from a phone :)

How about using an ethernet cable from the modem to your computer...?

A lot of adults don't seem to realize that school work is moving online. Try a public library or a friend's house.

Most Fast food places have free wifi, and most stores

Library. If you have laptop use someone's wireless access at a restaurant. Friends house. So many options. Give a shout to your teacher to say "hey I have no internet my mom took the router"...

randybryant799 20

Or you could just go to the library.