By Anonymous - 25/08/2019 06:06

Today, my mother sat me down and told me, "I'm not going to lie, I hate living with you. Please get a job and move out." I'm 16. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 141
You deserved it 240

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You made it to 16? My mom gave me that talk when I was 11! To be fair, I was a shit kid.


You made it to 16? My mom gave me that talk when I was 11! To be fair, I was a shit kid.

Charlie Coffman_1920149595 18

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Ah that talk about 11, your mother is piece of crap.

Let’s calm down, it was just a joke. I was a good kid and my mom was an excellent mother and I was welcome at home as long as I wanted to. I’m an OK older guy and my mom is still awesome. I was just being silly.

Obviously, they don't see your endless comments. If I don't see a message from you after a couple of days I get concerned.

RichardP, you give us shit every damn day of the week here ... and sometimes 2x on Sundays. Keep up the good work! Lol

Susan Yee 9

I’m guessing because you look like or remind her of your deadbeat dad ? Or unwanted child? ☹️

OP's mom needs to "grow a pair," learn how to use a (verbal) filter, and definitely get psychological counseling for her obviously shitty outlook on life. Good, well-adjusted, loving parents simply don't talk/ behave like that. Instead, they always try to do what's best for their kid despite whatever (but hopefully only) short-term difficulties that might require of themselves to endure. It's called responsible parenting.

Nhayaa 21

Yep. Some people should definitely not have kids.

So ARE you a bear to live with? What doesn't she like?