By cuntsmom - 24/09/2013 04:47 - United States

Today, my niece, who is fifteen, convinced my six-year-old daughter that her name is spelled C-U-N-T, and just pronounced as Catherine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 551
You deserved it 3 458

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I take it you're not a fan of Cuntherine then?


kick her motherfuckin ass! I know I would!!

Your niece does indeed sound like a B-I-T-C-H, but I assume it's pronounced "Bethany."

That was cruel of her to do. But your daughter is 6 and clearly can be taught to spell her name! Unless the is some valid reason otherwise, you deserve it! A 6 year old should be in kindergarten or 1st grade already and learning these things properly.

I'm assuming she could actually spell her name before and her cousin just told her she was wrong and showed her how to spell it 'properly'.

If i was in your shoes I would kill that niece. What a mean thing to do to a little kid!

Kill her over a joke? And end up in jail? Maybe Cuntherine's mom needs to speak with her nieces mother and father.

Well. Obviously your niece's name IS spelled C-U-N-T. Maybe she wanted someone to share in her misery.

Me thinks your niece don't liketh her cousin much...

wannabesinger 16

Somebody isn't getting anything for the holidays.

lolita88_fml 27

No, that's not cool, call your sister/brother and tell her/him to have a talk with your niece about being a little wankstain. You don't mess with young children and spelling, especially their own name. You also don't try to convince them their name is spelt like a vulgar term for ******. Or you could kick the niece's ass. I bloody would if she did that to my baby.

Talk to your brother/sister about their daughter's future career as a professional con. Or a lawyer. Not that there is much differance.