By Anonymous - 29/06/2009 19:52 - United States

Today, my parents booked my 18th birthday party at Chuck E Cheese's. FML
I agree, your life sucks 426
You deserved it 47

Top comments

Not gonna lie that actually sounds like it would be pretty fun.



Am I the only one that would be excited about this...? I'm 24... lol

What?! it's actually my 18th birthday TODAY, and I would be so psyched about this!

are you serious, maybe it was just a joke? lol i mean honestly i think your too old to have a party at chucky cheeses, if not that kinda sucks but the pizza there is good, and they have an awesome arcade yayyyyy.

Jennydew 0

What's wrong with that?! Chuck E Cheese is awesome!! John's Incredible Pizza is even better!!!

What are you talking about?! Chuck E. Cheese is the most awesome of places!

At least you had a party. My 18th birthday was today too and what did I do? Pretty much nothing. Unless eating is considered something...

actually you're always doing something, even if you're just sitting You can never be doing nothing

Adriennerox211 0

:O lucky :/ Steal tokens!!!! :D Happy B-Day. Have fun!!!

DJ375 0

If you didn't want to have your birthday there then I'd suggest not begging your parents to take you so often... request to go to Dave & Busters

baby_girl_1994 0
HeyyTonie 0

How is this a FML?? I just turned 19 and, I would be thrilled to go there!