By Missy - 19/10/2011 22:29 - Australia

Today, my parents had a fight as to which one of them is the most cultured. As a result, they've begun writing my chore lists in a variety of languages. If I don't do them, I'm grounded. I only speak English. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 121
You deserved it 3 385

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Llama_Face89 33

37- there's this exciting new thing called a "keyboard"! It actually let's you type words into the computer! Far fetched, I know but it's true!


That reminds me of the time I was buying beer with a mustache and I spoke italian.

He was in a butcher shop. Buying meat. Not beer. Tu se un pazzo va via di qui.

I cringe when someone uses "whom" instead of "who". Also, use google translate

ShroomsOnAcid 16

21, That whole comment is just completely wrong. Whom cannot be past tense, because neither who nor whom are verbs. Unless you wanna show me how to whom. 22, No, they meant used, which is correct.

ShroomsOnAcid 16

Also, how the hell can you decide whom?

17- Do you also cringe when people use correct spelling or punctuation? Are you an anti-grammar Nazi or something? Fighting for world illiteracy? Or do you just really hate the word "whom" for some reason?

You can learn the languages... Or you could just hope they stop fighting and they forget about the list :)

Online translator looks to be a good option now. Or, you could ask them to translate the key words for you, if they refuse, then I'm sure some gentle flattery about how cultured they are and if they'd educate you has a significant chance of working. Hopefully, though, you'll be able to make them see how stupid an argument it is and that essentially punishing you is a stupid way to end it.

Point out how completely stupid and ridiculous they are being.

You cannot even speak English very well. The word you want is 'who' not 'whom'. The former is nominative, the latter accusative. An accusative cannot govern a verb as you are attempting to do in the phrase 'whom was the most cultured'. It should be 'who was the most cultured'. That said, I feel for you: use Google Translate as everyone else has recommended.

leadman1989 15

1. Where in the FML does the op say how well they speak English. 2. Some people can speak a language and not necessarily know how to write it Chinese for example.

Well, whom is a somewhat dated and uncommonly used word. I wouldn't bank someone's entire knowledge and understanding of the English language based on their ability to use "whom." At any rate, saying the phrase "to whom" seems to be the general public's extent on the usage of the word.

Did you ever stop to think that it could have been a simple typo? I mean, all it takes is one accidental keystroke and a person suddenly becomes incapable of using the English language? I mean seriously, come on dude. It could have been a major coincidence for all you know.

they had a fight to find out who the most cultured was? how stupid is that?

I never had a written list growing up. My parents just verbally told me what needed to be done. My chores were the same every day of the week so I knew what to do without them telling me after a while. OP, it might be fun learning a different language or two. I learned most of my Spanish by watching ¿Qué Pasa, USA?

ironik69 31

Thank you for that clarification Enslaved. That is what I was inferring, but no one got it. I, too, just knew what was expected. Thank you again. I heart the comments of you and ikickgingers.

ironik69, I knew exactly what you meant.(: And funny enough, my comment was a reply to yours but somehow it posted way down here. Thank you for the compliment! ((((:

kittykat1501 31