By Missy - 19/10/2011 22:29 - Australia

Today, my parents had a fight as to which one of them is the most cultured. As a result, they've begun writing my chore lists in a variety of languages. If I don't do them, I'm grounded. I only speak English. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 121
You deserved it 3 385

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Llama_Face89 33

37- there's this exciting new thing called a "keyboard"! It actually let's you type words into the computer! Far fetched, I know but it's true!


theonlysweetpea 10

Here's what you do, smack mom up side the head, tell her to go make you a sammich and then crotch shot dad and tell him to go wax your surf board then before you say break! Tell them to go **** them selves for being wordy twats! Hahaha

You could easily use google translate. If it's in a language that uses different signs then just scan it. Don't be stupid

Your parents are immature. People still make chore lists? That really sucks for you.

chels1994 11

take a guess or translate it on the net

AshitaNoYuki 3

Which one is the most cultured? Neither. This is one of the pettiest things they could have done, take out their idiocy on their kid. Either find a good translator or politely inform them that you will do your chores when they tell you what they are in a language you can understand. Will it get you grounded? Yeah, probably. But then the chores stay un-done and eventually something, namely their pettiness, will have to give.