By :) - 29/05/2013 07:31 - United States

Today, my parents yelled at me for 10 minutes without letting me get a word in edgeways for getting a 48 on my test. They took my phone, unplugged my internet, and took my car keys. They wouldn't listen no matter how many times I told them, "It was out of 50". It actually was. FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 664
You deserved it 4 063

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sigh. Parents. Congratulations on your 96% though.

fishstick557 14

Ask your teacher if you could bring the test home


Sigh. Parents. Congratulations on your 96% though.

#40 I've seen 3 comments of yours now and not a single one correlates with what's being talked about even mildly, perhaps you should start reading the FMLs before you comment

fishstick557 14

Ask your teacher if you could bring the test home

They just got number 48 out of 50 reasons they fail as parents.

dontpanic_fml 32

Does your smiley face username mean you have exacted some sort of retribution?

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Not only is this a stupid comment, its got bad grammar too. Think before you write.

27: Your comment was something of a grammatical train wreck itself.

AUTOCORRECT makes you look pretty stupid sometimes

RadeonDerp 24
priceyfml 7

Okay grammar nazis no need to get angry, he isn't writing a ******* college essay.

I love how, if someone misspells something or makes one TINY grammatical error on this website, most likely due to autocorrect, there are a good 15-20 people there to point it out.

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So caring about your kid's grades and future are now only an Asian thing...?

My brother said that today. Except I guessed the "out of 50". Try showing them the test. If you can't get ahold of it, just email your teacher. If THAT doesn't work, just have your teacher sign a note for it. Hopefully they'll believe that.

Happened to me once. Even after I got my mother to understand, she grounded me for making her feel stupid.

NickaPLZ 26

Do they want you to be a doctor or a lawyer or something? They sound like the types that demand control OF their kids' lives FOR their entire lives...