By James - 12/08/2011 07:54 - United States

Today, my roommate and I got into an argument. He told me he understood if I didn't forgive him "for a couple of days." He'd confessed to undressing my girlfriend in her sleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 619
You deserved it 3 114

Same thing different taste

Top comments

spd2fst4u 5

I think I'd have him arrested.


K_kanaka 26

Forgive him in a couple days no, couple of months mayb.

And you didn't deck him the second after he told you?

See, here's where you went wrong: You had an argument with him and decided to hate him. What you should've done: The second the good for nothing weasel 'fess'd, the next thing he should see is your fist, then the floor. In layman's terms: You shoulda whooped that bitch's ass, soon as he said so. You do realize you can have your girl report him for sexual harassment, right?

Ah, here's another person who loves his enter key. You're completely right, though. I'm a girl, but if another person undresses my boyfriend in his sleep, he/she will get immediately a big good ol' slap in the face. Maybe even a couple. Really, how ******-up is that? And how must the girlfriend feel, now she is sexually harassed?

I didn't mean strictly sexual harassment, but there's gotta be something she can sue/use agains him. Still, how is that not sexual harassment?

It's not harassment - it's more like assault.

Burdie04_fml 0

Wow!! That's horrible!! I'd be looking for a new roommate ASAP!

RedPillSucks 31

You probably should have a conversation with your girlfriend about this. I'd have a hard time thinking that she wasn't awake through some of this. Maybe she thought it was you. On the other hand, if she could sleep through that, she could sleep through being raped and maybe you shouldn't have her sleep over until you get rid of your room mate. Some boundaries shouldn't be crossed so easily.

Your roommate is legend. ...Achievement unlocked: "Ninja Pervert" He probably did it for the fun of the game and was satisfied with the excitement of the game (Goal: remove target's clothes without waking her) as much as (if not more than) by what he saw.

^ A rapist in the making, ladies and gentlemen. I sincerely hope you get help.

Sweetcupcakes123 6

And it really doesn't matter why he did it... He did it.

Even if he did it for this reason, which seems far-fetched to me, it's hard to imagine that it wouldn't escalate. Undressing becomes touching, and not-waking becomes not crying out, or not finding-out who, and you gradually have a serial rapist on your hands. Whatever the turn-on, this is freaky and needs stamping out.

That's seriously creepy. You need to report him to the law. Undressing a person without their consent is molestation. It's a crime, and you need to get the creep on the sex offender register ASAP to protect his potential future victims.

silver_85 0

That is the furthest thing from ok! If he's undressing your girlfriend in her sleep, who know what else is going on!? Get away from that pervasive, get his ass arrested!

kaykay20 0

Kick him out and inform your girlfriend what he did if she did not wake up to know what took place. I wouldn't blame her if she wants to press charges on him for that.