By anonymous - 05/09/2012 16:25 - United States - El Cajon

Today, my teacher assigned us teams in a class debate. I landed on the team that had to argue the obviously wrong point of view. When I finished, my teacher told me and the entire class how much I disturbed her, and how I reminded her of Hitler and Napoleon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 658
You deserved it 2 566

Same thing different taste

Top comments

theslimshadylp 6

Looks like we got the third and final Antichrist here.


Dude, you are being compared to 2 of the greatest speakers of all time. Take it as a compliment.

I was told the same thing - my debate was on homeless people - I was called Hitler for a longgggg time!!

I get the same thing, along with comments such as: "you could take over the world some day, and that is truly scary" and "I'm never getting in a argument with you"........

CombatMayhem 5

It's interesting to me that you "reminded" her of them. Generally people say that about people they know personally. I'd keep an eye on that teacher. Does she talk to people who aren't there?

skyeyez9 24

Sounds like a job well done! I wish There was a debate class when I was in HS.

jayhawkchik 4

Maybe she just meant that you're short.

With those talents, if you didn't want to become a world dominator, you could settle for being a simple lawyer.... But why give up the chance to rule the world?

Simple lawyer? Now I am hurt... you may be right.

doglover100 28

What a cunty teacher. There's rarely a "right" or "wrong" in debates - there are only people's opinions. Debates are all about who presents their side better. Sounds like she was setting half the class up to fail.