By LexiD19 - 31/07/2015 22:56 - United States - Fort Mill

Today, on my second day at my new job, a customer called my manager with a complaint about me. He said I put the cheese "upside down" on his sandwich, and that made it taste bad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 007
You deserved it 1 790

LexiD19 tells us more.

Hey, OP here! I just started working at Subway a few days ago, so my manager is still training me on the "ways of being a sandwich artist." While making this man's sandwich, I put the cheese longest side facing each other in order to cover all the meat evenly. Well, a few hours later, my manager gets a call from the same man complaining about the cheese being "upside down." My manager thought the whole situation was hilarious and enjoyed telling all of the employees the story. She assured me I didn't do anything wrong and I've been doing great the past few days.

Top comments

I hope you didn't get in trouble for that kind of bull crap


By placing it with the bottom side at the top, obviously.

By not putting the top side on the top side

danceinconverse 25

I'm trusting you because you are a cheese.

He probably put the cheese at the bottom. It ***** up the molecular structure of the burger and instantly makes it taste like a vile turd . Duh ! Some Poole seriously need to fall into social Darwinism and die off without the opportunity to breed multiple and adapt....

I think your comment went over some peoples heads. Sarcasm is so hit or miss in the written medium..

As long as someone enjoyed it. If not I'll just amuse myself. Haha . And **** people .

I hope you didn't get in trouble for that kind of bull crap

I worked in the service industry for five years. It was so rare to get a complement that the one time it did happen the company bought the entire staff a massive lunch as a congratulations. If everything is perfect, no one says anything. If the tiniest thing is wrong they will bitch until their head explodes

Now I work in the oil field two hours away from people.... More better. Lol

cat4651 15

Upside down cheese: the #1 sandwich ruiner

That's why, if you look closely at the plastic wrapped around the cheese single, in super microscopic letters it says "WARNING: DO NOT PUT UPSIDE DOWN ON SANDWICHES. IT WILL RUIN IT." It should really be bigger in my opinion, so stuff like OP's situation would not happen.

OP should sue the cheese company. Their warning wasn't large enough and made him look bad causing emotional damage.

That's customers for you. There to complain over everything and anything.

Cmon, get it together, bro. Upside down cheese sucks, we all know that.

Tell the customer he must stand on his head to best enjoy the sandwich.

Next time he comes in tell him to cut his own cheese! Wait...

I hope you and your boss had a good laugh at that